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1 紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper >
芸術学部(Faculty of Art and Design) >
九州産業大学芸術学会研究報告(Kyushu Sangyo University Research Reports of the Faculty of Arts(vol.38-)) >
第38巻 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/7664

タイトル: 写真家と'負の昭和' : 土門拳・山端庸介・東松照明・江成常夫・土田ヒロミの仕事
その他のタイトル: Five photographers and the negative aspect of the Showa period
著者: 丸尾, いと
Maruo, Ito
マルオ, イト
発行日: 2007年
出版者: 九州産業大学芸術学会
抄録: 本論文は、十五年戦争に関わるものを撮影した代表的な写真家(山端庸介・土門拳・東松照明・江成常夫・土田ヒロミ)をとり上げ、その仕事を歴史の時間軸上で展開する試みである。まず第1章で'負の昭和'の措定と本論文で取り上げる五人の写真家を選んだ動機を述べる。次いで第2章では、五人の経歴と仕事をそれぞれ総括的に取り上げ、各人の概要を理解してもらう。第3章から第6章は、昭和史を四つに区切り、歴史上の時間軸に各作家の仕事(写真集)を時系列に並べて展開。そして終章では、'負の昭和'が五人の仕事を通じて十分に検証できることを提唱する。
This paper will examine the works of representative photographers (Yosuke Yamahata, Ken Domon, Shomei Tomatsu, Tsuneo Enari and Hiromi Tsuchida) who photographed the fifteen years war, and will attempt to examine how their works unfold within a given chronological framework. In the first chapter, the reason for designating the Showa period as "negative" will be given, as well as the reason for selecting the five photographers. In the second chapter, their career and work will be summarized to attain a better understanding of each photographer. From the third to the six chapter, the Showa period will be divided into four parts, and will examine how their works progressed within time. The final chapter will argue how the negative aspect of the Showa period can be understood through their works. As photographers, they each represent a point within the history of photography. But by understanding how their work sheds light upon the negative aspect of the Showa period, their work jointly form a line, transcending the particular significance each may have. If the past war and the present are points, the line formed by their work constitute a chronological framework in modern history that unites the two points.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/7664


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