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九州産業大学学術リポジトリ >
1 紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper >
芸術学部(Faculty of Art and Design) >
九州産業大学芸術学部研究報告(Kyushu Sangyo University Research Reports of the Faculty of Arts(vol.1-vol.37)) >
第29巻 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/7236

その他のタイトル: Early Printing History in Japan
著者: 木下, 尭博
Kinoshita, Akihiro
キノシタ, アキヒロ
Laboratory of Graphic Arts Department of Photography Faculty of Arts Kyushu Sangyo University
発行日: 1998年
出版者: 九州産業大学芸術学会
抄録: First printing media in Japan is one million of little pagodas-Hyakumatou-Dharani-pubulished in AD 770. There is the oldest printing matter existing in the world. It exists to the matter which the saving condition is bad from good printing matter by this Hyakumantou-Dharani preserving 3076 volume in Horyu Buddhist Temple in Nara Prefecture at present. Is printed the Hyakumantou-Dharani Pagodas by stamp system or block system and metal or wood materials? In West Branch of the Japanese Soc. of Printing Science and Technology these research results were opened to public in 1987. However, these are many uncertain circumstance on this printing system. The Tensho-Kenou Boys Mission had introduced metal type printing which Johannes Gutenberg invented from Portugal to Nagasaki in Japan at 1611. The publications that it called this the Amakusa edition had printed it in the metal type, and they exist in all over the world. Since the Christianity was forbidden in these period, Amakusa Book of the 13 volume for 6 years was published to the Macao exile of 1597. It is based of the metal type printing in the establishment of the letterpress manufacture by Shouzou Motoki in 1869. He thought that future development of Japan consists with printing technology and purchased printing machine, metal type, printing ink and paper from the Netherlands ship. The printing technology was widely spread by the research of the electroplate matrix. From China, Korea and Europe, the metal type printing technology in Japan was mainly accepted like this and succeeded with industrialization.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/7236


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