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九州産業大学学術リポジトリ >
1 紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper >
商学部(Faculty of Commerce) >
九州産業大学商經論叢(Commerce and Business Review) >
第41巻第4号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/5920

タイトル: グリーン「共創」マーケティング
その他のタイトル: Green Prosumerism Marketing
著者: 齋藤, 實男
Saito, Jitsuo
サイトウ, ジツオ
キーワード: A=B=C (Administration/Business/Consumer)
LCA (Assessment of P→D→C→W→R→WOW→P': Production/Distribution/Consumption/Waste/Recycle/Waste-Out Washing)
Prosumerism (Producer + Consumerism)
3Li (life/Line/Live)
3S (Span/Space/Species)
PIMA Communication (Presence/Interaction/Multi-Sensory/Autonomy [Ishii]) 4P: Product (from 4B to 4A [Concept/Construct/Communication/Org.]) Price (Synchronization of the past labour [cost] with the present labour [cost]/from Public to Private/from Possession to Use ) Place (Disintermediation/Green Distribution) Promotion (Permission), Take Part In
IT (4S: Separate・Slight cost = economical・Speed [Takenaka]・Share)
発行日: 2001年3月31日
出版者: 九州産業大学商学会
抄録: Why shall Green Prosumerism Marketing be done in an ecological society constituted of A=B=C Administration=Business=Consumer) by B=C? Why shall B=C be built up by themselves, sharing the product planning, designing, material checking, producing, distributing and the other factory management? Why shall the ecological society be made by the concept, LC (Life Cycle: P-D-C-W-R) or the Circulation of products? Because Green Prosumerism Marketing shall realize the 3 things, economic function, organization and culture. Green Prosumerism Marketing and the 3 things works interactively. The first one is the environmentally friendly LC (LIFE) through the heavy connection (LINE) between Businesses and Consumers to check and reduce the poisons (ex. EDC or POPs or pesticide contaminating foods, lands and air) input or output to or from LC. The second one is the environmentally friendly community, particularlly LIVE community through it and green money or Worker Co-operatives (workers collectives). The third one is the environmentally friendly paradigm=thought=concept through the community's activity. The 3 things realized by the Green Prosumerism Marketing shall make the administration green and realize green A=B=C.This realization with 3 Li (Life, Line, Live) shall be supported by IT (Information Technology) which is Life Line network web communication and computer. This paper shows how to realize the LC oriented society through the Green Prosumerism Marketing and how to realize the Green Prosumerism Marketing by B=C community, using key words, 3 Li (Life, Line, Live), prosumerism (prosumer + consumerism: cf Toffler A.).
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/5920


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