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1 紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper >
商学部(Faculty of Commerce) >
九州産業大学商經論叢(Commerce and Business Review) >
第41巻第3号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/5901

タイトル: JAS有機表示とグリーンプロシューマリズム
その他のタイトル: The Definition of Organic Produce by MAF
著者: 齋藤, 實男
Saito, Jitsuo
サイトウ, ジツオ
キーワード: 情報の「非対称性」の克服
発行日: 2000年11月30日
出版者: 九州産業大学商学会
抄録: What is the Organic Certification Rule Act by Japanese MAF (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) in the renewed JAS (Japan Agricultural Standard)? How is the Organic Certification process from the application to its taking by the organic farmer related to the organization for the certification authorzeid by MAF? What kind of problem has been happened since its carring out on 10/June/2000 (enforcement of the penalty l/April/2001, MAF guideline efect will continue till 31/March/2001 as one of the double standards)? This data notebook shows the Organic Certification Rule officially announced in The Japanese Government News Letter ('Kanpo') 20/January/2000. The essence is as follows: 1.About organically grown produces certified by the organization authorized by Japanese MAF (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry), the vegitables' seeds or young vegitables' plant (egg plant and so on) or grains (rice and so on) seeds should be planted in the farm which has had no pesticide and chemical fertilizer for 2 yers and over. And the fruits should be harvested from the tree which has had no pestidde and chemical fertilizer for 3 yers and over. 2. About the produces in the middle of the conversion (transformation from conventional produce to organically grown produce), 1 year and over should have passed before the harvest of those vegitables and grains as well as those fruits. 3. About wild natural produce (mashroom and so on), 3 year and over should have passed before their harvest. We hope this certified organic label on the produce will make sure organically grown produce or not or differentiate the real organically grown produces from the conventional one to protect the consumerism (→ a prosumerism [producer + consumer] Tofler A.) movement and the consumers (→ a prosumerist). But we are afraid that the real organically grown produces from overseas, China and USA etc. may increase more and more. For the solution of this problem the most prosumerists should have strong community linkage between them and organic growers, and the Japanese government should practice the agricultural policy to protect the Japanese organic growers against free trade policy of WTO.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/5901


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