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九州産業大学学術リポジトリ >
1 紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper >
商学部(Faculty of Commerce) >
九州産業大学商經論叢(Commerce and Business Review) >
第38巻第1号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/5714

タイトル: グリーン「価値」とプライシング戦略
その他のタイトル: Green "Value" and Pricing Policy
著者: 齋藤, 實男
Saito, Jitsuo
サイトウ, ジツオ
キーワード: グリーン「価値」
発行日: 1997年7月31日
出版者: 九州産業大学商学会
抄録: Modern civil society has a contract rule, 'give and take' the goods which are possessed by their owners who bestowed past labor into them and can keep the property right to dispose, use and get advantages. But noone can create the things (MARSHALL). Mankind can only serve the nature rule to produce the things. It can only 'receive and serve (SOMEYA)' from nature and to nature. We must change the paradigm of the goods circulation possession from the possession concept 'give and take' in present time to the utility concept 'receive and serve' in present time synchronised future time with simultaneously. Considering the paradigm shift, this paper, "Green 'Value' and Green Pricing" shows how to give a definition of green 'value' and green price. How should we price the products to realize sustainable development? If the consumers of them have to take responsibility for the future cost (= future labor) to reduce environmental load, the present price of them will become higher than usual. Because the present price includes future cost which should be paid and served by the consumers, receiving benefit from nature. If the producers of them have to take responsibility for future environmental load, the present price of them will sometimes become lower than usual. Because the present price should be reduced future cost which should be paid and served by the producers, using nature, related with an alternative green technology. When the producers who can take the alternative one keeps a bad grey conventional one, they should take responsibility for future environmental load which is born by their bad decision making. To analyze this green price, we have a tool named green 'value' which is similar to green GDP (=EDP : eco domestic product) and is considered not only the past labor but also future labor for sustainable development based on the paradigm 'receive and serve'. There is sometimes a big deviation between green price and green 'value'. Because green price depends on the subjects who should take responsibility for future environmental load, related with alternative green technology. Now we analyze the relationship between green 'value' and green price.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/5714


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