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九州産業大学学術リポジトリ >
1 紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper >
工学部(Faculty of Engineering) >
九州産業大学工学部研究報告(Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering Kyushu Sangyo University) >
第43号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/4694

タイトル: MgB_2超伝導体の粒径と交流帯磁率特性(電気工学科)
その他のタイトル: AC susceptibility characteristics and particle size in MgB_2 superconductor(DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING)
著者: 永山, 秀幸
阿久根, 忠博
坂本, 進洋
松本, 泰國
NAGAYAMA, Hideyuki
AKUNE, Tadahiro
SAKAMOTO, Nobuyoshi
ナガヤマ, ヒデユキ
アクネ, タダヒロ
サカモト, ノブヨシ
マツモト, ヤスクニ
九州産業大学工学部工学研究科電気工学専攻 / 九州産業大学工学部電気工学科 / 九州産業大学工学部電気工学科 / 福岡大学工学部電気工学科
キーワード: Double layer model
AC susceptibility
Double peaks
発行日: 2006年12月
出版者: 九州産業大学工学部
抄録: AC susceptibility x of MgB_2 superconductor particles with several particle sizes d were studied. MgB_2 showed symmetric and large magnetization and their susceptibility follows well with the theoretical results of the critical state model. In smaller size samples the values of x became smaller than the calculated value of the critical state model and in some cases double peaks in the imaginary x" and shoulders in the real x' appear. Double layer model is proposed in which the superconductor is composed of two regions with different superconducting characteristics, the surface and the residual inner layer. The magnetization and susceptibility are numerically computed following the critical state model and they show a variety of characteristics including the double peaks and the shoulders. The double layer model is successfully compared with the measurement of MgB_2. The depth of surface layer gets larger in the small size MgB_2 reflecting an improper composition condition.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/4694


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