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九州産業大学学術リポジトリ >
1 紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper >
工学部(Faculty of Engineering) >
九州産業大学工学部研究報告(Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering Kyushu Sangyo University) >
第42号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/4600

タイトル: ネットワークサーバ機群の安全な維持管理に関する研究(電気工学科)
その他のタイトル: Research on Secure System Maintenance for Network Server Machines(DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING)
著者: 大島, 義智
松本, 勝哉
Oshima, Yoshitomo
Matsumoto, Katsuya
オオシマ, ヨシトモ
マツモト, カツヤ
工学研究科電気工学専攻博士課程前期2学年 / 電気工学科
キーワード: Secure System
発行日: 2005年12月20日
出版者: 九州産業大学工学部
抄録: In these several years, it reached the situation we can easily get information through Internet on a worldwide scale. The various servers were installed even in our laboratory, and the information system environment that is adjusted to this kind of circumstance was improved for our laboratory students. Adjustment of the system was delicate, then it became the circumstance where often the server is unstable and/or suddenly had stopped. Our aim is simple that responsibility of the system manager to be little and confusion of plural manager to be little too. In this paper, we present the new system proposal for maintenance of server machine group through the VPN encoding communication method that can be controlled safely with remote manipulation. In supervision of the server machine group system, we use Mac OS X server supervisory tool and software "Webmin" to be able to manage basically with GUI. The result after the improvement was satisfactory, the supervision of the actual dynamic time of the server machine group became easier than before. It is future topic concerning the maintenance of the system that covers long term.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/4600


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