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1 紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper >
国際文化学部(Faculty of International Studies of Culture) >
九州産業大学国際文化学部紀要(Journal of the Faculty of International Studies of Culture Kyushu Sangyo University) >
第10号 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/3053

タイトル: 橋爪貫一"英算独学","童蒙必携洋算訳語略解"における英語の数学用語の選択について
その他のタイトル: Self-Study of English Mathematics and "Exposition of Terms used in Western Mathematics" by Kan-ichi HASHIZUME : How HASHIZUME selected Some of Mathematical Terms in these Books?
著者: 山口, 清
ヤマグチ, キヨシ
Faculty of International Studies of Culture, Kyushu Sangyo University
発行日: 1997年11月
出版者: 九州産業大学国際文化学会
抄録: 橋爪貫一(1820-1884)は初等数学書「英算独学」(明治4年),「童蒙必携洋算訳語略解」(明治5年)を著した。両書ともに数学記号および数学用語の英語,日本語が述べられている。本稿において,橋爪がこれらの数学記号およびそれらの英語の数学用語をどのようにして選択したであろうかについて考察する。荒井郁之助「英和対訳辞書」(明治5年)の付録の数学記号と比較することによって,橋爪貫一は英語用語の一部分を荒井「英和対訳辞書」と山田昌邦「英和数学辞書」(明治11年)の付録に共通な,まだ不明と思われるある原本を参照して選択したと推測できることを示す。
Kan-ichi HASHIZUME (1820-1874) published enlightening books in many field, including the elementary mathematics, in early Meiji era. "Self-Study of English Mathematics" (1871) is a text book of arithmetic, wherein Hashizume shows mathematical signs and 109 English-Japanese mathematical terms. "Exposition of Terms used in Western Mathematics" (1872) is a Japanese-English mathematical dictionary with explanations easy to understand, wherein the author shows also some mathematical signs. The main purpose of this paper is to consider that from what kind of viewpoint Hashizume selected the mathematical terms in the former book? Katsuhiko YOSHIDA pointed that the mathematical signs in the supplement of "English and Japanese Dictionary" (1872) by Ikunosuke ARAI and the one in the supplement of "English and Japanese Mathematical"Dictionary" (1878) by Masakuni YAMADA came from an unknown original text. We compare the mathematical signs and their English mathematical terms in "Self-Study of English Mathematics" by K. Hashizume with the mathematical signs in the supplement of the Dictionary by I. Arai, and we see that the mathematical signs and their English mathematical terms of "Self-Study of English Mathematics" came also from the unknown original text refered above. Thus, we can guess that K. Hashizume selected about 35 mathematical terms from this original Text. It seems that K. Hashizume selected also some mathematical signs and their mathematical terms in "Exposition of Terms used in Western Mathematics" from the same original Text.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11178/3053


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