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ブラウズ : 著者 KEELEY, Timothy Dean

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検索結果表示: 1 - 9 / 9
2016年7月20日A Polyglot's Perspective on the Age Factor in Foreign Language AcquisitionKEELEY, Timothy Dean
2016年3月31日Is a Native-like Accent in a Foreign Language Achievable? Examining Neurological, Sociological, Psychological, and Attitudinal FactorsKEELEY, Timothy Dean
2017年1月30日Perceived Market Risk of the Renewable Energy Industry in the United StatesKEELEY, Alexander Ryota; KEELEY, Timothy Dean
2014年7月31日The Importance of Self-Identity and Ego Permeability in Foreign Culture Adaptation and Foreign Language AcquisitonKEELEY, Timothy Dean
2018年1月31日The Potential Effects of Language Switching on Self-Concept,Values and Personality Expression : Examining the EvidenceKEELEY, Timothy Dean
2015年7月31日The Role of Optimism in Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Developing Foreign Language FluencyKEELEY, Timothy Dean
2014年11月30日The Self Confidence Dimension in Cultural Adaptation and Foreign Language Acquisition : A Basis for Success in International BusinessKEELEY, Timothy Dean
2016年11月10日Third Financial Bailout for India's State-owned Power Distribution Companies - and Why it MattersKEELEY, Alexander Ryota; KEELEY, Timothy Dean
2017年11月25日Understanding Heart and Mind Interaction for Optimal Functioning in Foreign Languages and Cultures : A Focus on the Importance of Affect (Emotions)KEELEY, Timothy Dean
検索結果表示: 1 - 9 / 9


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